Monday, October 11, 2010

October the Eleventh of Two Thousand and Ten

When I got home from college, I cried. I don't know, I must do that a lot. Actually, I know I do it a lot. However, it is better than a lot of things I have done before. Terribly, I wished I could have relapsed today. I wish I could have fallen apart and watched pieces of myself fall to the floor. I wanted to hurt. I wanted to feel something, anything, other than anger. Yet, I stayed normal. I cried until it hurt. It's all I have left.

I'm terribly suicidal. You want to know why world? (And I figured this out as I was yelling at my mother in a tangent)... I'm going to end up in community college. Not so bad? IT'S TERRIBLE. When I was younger, I dreamed of going to Harvard, the most amazing school in the United States. I still envy anyone who goes there. So, all my days, I've tried my best. Knowing that I could never get into Harvard, yes, but always secretly wishing. Ever since I can remember, half of my money has gone to college. Now, it's all thrown away. I did not even want to stay in state. I WORKED HARD SO I COULD BE BETTER THAN THAT. ...Now, I can't be better than that. I don't have the money. I'm left with the the people who never tried. Who didn't care. Who could have slept through class. The D students. All the people I hated. Everything I never wanted. I worked all my life, sacrificing friendship, food, and hours of sleep (and growth) to work. To study. To dream. It was sacrificed.

If I were to die, all my troubles would fade away...

'Dream without me,
take a few steps back.
We'll meet again.
I would never play the game you did,
attempting to twist the fates of others.
Now, I see only a tumbleweed.
It lives.'


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sometimes the one will take your cake, not to put you down, but to see if you will defend what you have earned.
