Saturday, December 11, 2010

December the Eleventh of Two Thouand and Ten

Did you realize that today was twelve, eleven, ten? Unfortunately, we've already passed 9:08:07:06:05:04:03:02:01. That shit is legit.

Onto actual things that mean something. There's something inside of me, something which is impossible to describe. Almost like anticipation, but yet it is not anticipation and more like fear. Which leads me to second the theory that "We have nothing to fear but fear itself." However, I must contradict myself because there's always some logic behind the fear that we all have. Girls have the right to fear stalkers because we grow up on the stories of how weak we are and the creepers in this world. Men are afraid of disapproval (most often) because men are supposed to be proud and masculine, but if they falter from it, they fear the worst. We all have something to fear, but the fear itself makes it worse, so to speak.

I know it seems like I'm going no where, but "If this be madness,/then there is method in it." I fear your disapproval. The hatred that you so easily throw about makes me cringe and curl up into a ball, no matter the unimportance to others. I value your friendship highly, I have for the last year, and I don't know what else to say.

Deep breaths take in when I am around you. Never has such dread and eager anticipation approached me at the same time as you have made it. I cannot say that I have never felt this before, but it has been different than anything I have valued before. Someone, irresistible is not who I a, or (it could be) that it was never expressed before.

You story is sacred, but I have heard it before. I feel that something else gets you. However, I do not know.

'Deary heart tender held,
fallen once before.
What does a broken piece mean?
Starlight nights define us.
And secrets kept between.'

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