Hypothesis One:
If I am afraid of him, and I feel that things will progressively get worse and I will not confront the situation and the issue, then the search will begin.
It makes sense. I'm really, truly afraid of this situation. I've been preparing for it since I was in eighth grade, but you never really suspect it will happen-not to you. (It happens, we hear stories, but not to us-not to me). And I know that I'm not one of the people who likes to confront conflict head-on, even though that is what needs to be done. Ever since I backed down the first time, I knew that I was sweeping this conflict under the rug. Right now, it's freaking me out a little, but it hasn't become escalated enough to be a real "problem." Maybe my real fear is that it will. And then what? I can't stop it unless I deal with it now, but...What if it doesn't get any worse and I'm just assuming?
So, I get worried and run away from my problems. Maybe the connection has been there all along, underlying things.
Hypothesis Two:
If I know that there is an end, and I do not want this end, then I will try to continue the same connection.
This can't be right. It makes sense when it comes to the past, but now it really isn't applicable. Because even if I switched it wouldn't change things because it is I who is walking away from the both of them.
The funny part is that yesterday as we lied together, we were both thinking the same thing, 'What does this mean?' Because we're both taken.
I chose this photo for my debit card:

'Broken heart cries mystery,
only love can truly be.
Relationship or location true-
Is it just an "I miss you"?
Tomorrow's just another day;
we'll come together and see the way.'
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