Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Thirteen Liepa of Twenty Eleven

I don't understand what the feeling is. No one ever tells you that there's a certain experience you'll have and that's how you'll know. I guess lots of things in life will have no definition...and other things are just hard to accept. It's like I knew that Fourth of July was coming, but once it was here, I wondered where June had went.

Life moves forward pretty quickly. Only a month ago, I could leave the house and say I was going out with my boyfriend. What's odd is that the song itself never changed, but that word is like a bad note (probably too flat). I hope that someday I can get every piece of the song in tune. Hard work and time will smooth out the faltered lines.

I want to stay here forever. In this moment, in these times. I think I've grasped a very valuable concept in life within these months with him. The way to be happy. I went through old notebooks where all I did was complain, wish pain would go away, and claim depression. I seemed so weak at that point, unable to find any light in a life I'm sure was brilliant. Now, I can see every shining star in the worst of times. Not everything is perfect, in fact things are pretty fucked, but I can handle it without sitting on my bed and bleeding.
That's what means it to me.

What a cliche angle for cake, right? But I love it. It contrasts the bright outside with a plain, vanilla inside. Ice cream cake or not, it's still vanilla.

Fuck you, world; I like vanilla.

'Simple and quick guitar,
play notes against my heart.
I want to hear you sing against my ear.
Words desperate for love.
Whisper to me our connection,
and I'll cry you our story forever.'

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