I hate this blood that stains my hands. It violates me. I hate this blood that smells of death and shame. I hate this feeling of hiding. I hate the ignorance that comes. I hate the difference. I hate wearing both when I was supposed to find a solution. I'm tired of the doctors telling me that it's normal. I'm sick of the doctor's telling me I'm too young. I'm hate the pain that it brings to me, the suffering that I cannot fight. I hate that medication won't take this away. I hate the way it won't leave and this is something I may battle with for the rest of my life.
I kind of just hate everything at this point.
I've been sitting in a small, but popular coffee shop. Luckily it's filled with adults and no snobby hipsters but I am following such a stereotype. But I don't mind. :3
I've been strongly addicted to Etsy, nowadays. Everything on it is really cute. I've also been pretty into Steampunk. I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE this costume:
But I love Steampunk in general. It's adorable and videogame-y. How could it not be cute?!
'Forward motions,
rocking oceans.
Luna pulls,
we run away from the bulls.
A ball is formed,
with play-doh along the surface.
Only a moment ago I was sitting. In a hot, loud room. I sat there for twenty minutes. Waiting. Trying to muster courage, but failing. I just sat. I watched the washing machines spin; I watched their timers slowly fall to zero. I wait for someone to come, but no one ever did. I didn't care either. I hated that room, but I didn't care that I was sitting there. I'm beginning to feel the apathy I haven't felt in years and it's not even a feeling; it's a nothing.
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