Tuesday, September 7, 2010

September Seventh of Two Thousand and Ten

You can never trust a boy. We've said it again and again. It is just another one of those things girl tell each other to comfort them. Not because they need comforting, because we all need to hear the truth. No matter how many times it's said, someone forgets, and we have to start all over again. We can't help but believe that you would be better. It only takes a certain amount of time before we decide to test you, putting some of us in your hands and seeing if you'll drop us. When you don't, we think, 'Hey, maybe he's different," but you're not. You're the same as all the rest of them, and eventually you'll let us down, destroy our trust, and lose hope. Just when we last expect it, another beautiful boy will come wandering by, pick up our hearts, dust them off, give them back to us, and sit down to ask us why we chucked that lovely heart across the room at the wall. We'll adore him like we adored you. Hurt, we will heal with time. And thus, the cycle continues.

I miss you, maturity. I loved you with all my heart; why aren't you here anymore? I saw you yesterday. I tried to love you again. But then I remembered, I'm in love with someone else. I'm kind of tied down right now. Don't worry, I will have you soon enough.

'Hello again,
my love.
Your secrets revealed,
a smile spreads across my face.
You make me laugh.
I already love the sun.'


  1. Just posting to confirm absolutely and undeniably that you CANNOT trust a boy. Ever. They are little monsters.
