Wednesday, September 29, 2010

September Twenty-Ninth of Two Thousand and Ten

Hey! Hey! I was being creative here with my titles and the blogging thing. Can you pick which one you're going to copy, Ms. Sad Face? Yes, that is your name now, Ms. Moapy. Man, you're just going to have a bunch of nicknames. Seriously, cheer up! Life isn't all a pattern. Take it from me, I already tried that. I mean, I'm the one with the love scale. But dear, you certainly did take some time to calculate that one. I never would've even tried. Nevertheless, as I have said multiple times previous to this occasion, "STOP RUSHING IT." Everything is going to come running and ram right into you. It'll all happen so fast, and so perfectly, you won't have a moment to stop and enjoy it. If you rush, you'll lose it all not remembering all those "little things." And that's what makes it special.

I'm thinking about you and my heart beats fast. It's all those little things. We've shared so much time together, and we're getting and closer to our day. I've been waiting for it. You remember New Years'? You said you wanted to last all year. Back then, I thought, 'That's a long time.' Now, I'm saying, "Three more wonderful months." This will be great. By the way, I saw something on Facebook talking about corn fields. I automatically went, "Fear Farm." Want to go to "The Nest" this year? We should take her and get her an amazing date.

I wish I had about seventy dollars to buy this something I want. I will save up and feel proud! Just give me some time to raise the money?.... :\

Today's been much better.

'Over the mountains,
I see that fabric.
Falling behind the pedestal,
don't look at me.'

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